Guidance Links

Some external website links which can give useful guidance in getting your building project off the ground.

Planning Aid for Scotland

A voluntary organisation run by qualified and experienced planners, giving information and advice on all aspects of Town and Country Planning and related issues.

Planning Area on the Scottish Executive Website

A wealth of information about the planning system in Scotland. A very large and detailed Website which can appear a little overwhelming.

Buildstore Website

BuildStore is the UK's leading supplier to the Self Build, conversion and renovation market. The site has many useful tools and a great deal of information to aid in making your dream a reality.

Lùths Services Lts

Sustainable Building Services Engineers offering SAP & SBEM Calculations, Dynamic Building Modelling, detailed services design, renewable technology assessments

Scottish Executive 'Housing in the Countryside

A very useful Planning Advice Note from the Scottish Executive giving examples of best practice relating to housing in the countryside. The guidance features some houses designed by Dualchas Building Design.

NHBC Website

Information about the NHBC, the standard setting body and leading warranty provider for new homes in the UK, and access to a list of NHBC registered contractors.

Self-Builder Website

A useful company who has linked up with various self-build related financial product providers, such as mortgage companies and warranty providers. Also provide site insurance for self-builds.

Optimis Planning Consultants

Optimis is UK-wide company that can give exceptional advice on achieving planning permission no matter the size of your project. 

Planning Portal

Planning advice for those wishing to build in England or Wales

DOE Planning NI

Planning advice for those wishing to build in Northern Ireland.

An Bord Pleanala

Information on planning if you are wishing to build a house in Ireland.

If you would like to discuss your project, please get-in-touch.

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  • Scotish land & Estates
  • BM Trada
  • Structural Timber Association
  • Rias