October 24, 2011

LH102P Takes Shape

LH102P Takes Shape

An LH102P design is taking shape at Kilnaish near Tarbert in Argyll.  The SIP house is being built by affiliated HebHomes contractors who - despite the terrible weather conditions - are making excellent progress.



HebHomes director Alasdair Stephen said, 'This particular design is proving very popular.  Although it has a small footprint the house is spacious and luxurious.  It is particularly suited to sites like this which have panormamic views to enjoy.  Unfortunately noone on site has seen them yet.  The weather has been very wet and miserable.  However, our contractors have never flinched.'


This house is being slated in Spanish slate and will be clad in board on board vertical Siberian larch.  Once this weathers it will blend in beautifuly with the silver birch trees which surround the site.  Drystane dyking will tie the building into the landscape, defining the entrance area and a 'stackyard' garden to the south of the house.  Completion is expected in early spring.


If you would like to discuss your project, please get-in-touch.

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  • Scotish land & Estates
  • BM Trada
  • Structural Timber Association
  • Rias