June 16, 2014

Space metal web joists now used

Space metal web joists now used

HebHomes is now using Space metal web joists in all our houses.  As part of our aim to continually improve the specification of our houses we recently took the decision to replace TJI joists with the metal frame system.


The reasons for this are two fold: Firstly, the metal webs allows for services to be run between the floors without the necessity to cut holes through the joists.  This improves structural integrity and makes it easier and quicker for installation of heating, plumbing and ventilation systems.


The second reason is that it gives our engineer the opportunity to run the joists in the opposite direction, reducing waste and improving the general detailing of the kit.


Further benefits of the Space meta web systen can be viewed in this video:


If you would like to discuss your project, please get-in-touch.

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  • Scotish land & Estates
  • BM Trada
  • Structural Timber Association
  • Rias