August 04, 2016

WH302 with large box dormer

WH302 with large box dormer

With a spectacular elevated townscape and mountain view over Pitlochry it made sense for our client to choose the 'upside-down' WH302 house from the HebHomes range. The view was so good that we suggested changing three dormer windows for one huge box dormer incorporating an impressive expanse of glazing. This highlights the flexibility of Hebhomes - we rarely provide a house without changing it to suit the Client's or the site's requirements.


We look forward to showing images of this house once complete. The first floor living room should be incredible.

If you would like to discuss your project, please get-in-touch.

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  • Scotish land & Estates
  • BM Trada
  • Structural Timber Association
  • Rias