December 10, 2012

Airigh taking shape on Skye

Airigh taking shape on Skye

A one-bedroom AGH301 Airigh is taking shape on a croft on the Isle of Skye.  The luxury holiday rental has a three-week build time and should be completed before the New Year.  The building will have a wall of full height glazing to take advantage of the exceptional veiws and will be clad in Siberian larch.


The contractors are Glasgow-based PMC who hope to build many more Airighs across the country.  Company director Allan Cockburn said, "We are excited about this small project as we want to demonstate that by using SIP technology these building can be constucted quickly, to a high standard and at a competitive price. We are delighted that our first project is underway and we are confident, given teh location, this will be an extremely successful project for us and the client"


HebHomes director Alasdair Stephen said, "This is the first Airigh which will be build to the level of detailing and finishes that we inteded.  Although simple in form, it will be a truly stunning building and will be a wonderful property to stay in for holidays.  The clients will find that this will be booked out all year round.  It will be an excellent showcase for the Airigh idea."

If you would like to discuss your project, please get-in-touch.

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