February 20, 2013

HebHomes at Rural Housing Conference

HebHomes at Rural Housing Conference

Alasdair Stephen, director of HebHomes, will be making a presentation to up to 100 delegates at the annual Rural Housing Service conference this coming Friday in Birnam (22nd February). 


As well as looking at the development of building technologies in rural Scotland, from stone and turf to SIP panel construction, he will also argue that there has to be as much emphasis on spacial quality as there is on building fabric.


" Over the last few years government has focussed on improvements in energy efficiency, which we welcome - SIP technology is at the forefront of meeting and surpassing the heat loss requirements in the building regulations. However, there also has to be an understanding of the importance of the quality of spaces people live in. Mean spaces and unattractive environments can diminish life enjoyment and devalue neighbourhoods, whether the buildings are energy efficient or not. Good design need not cost more and adds value. We must invest in this also."


The conference will attract delegates from across rural Scotland, including many community trusts, who will be looking at effective ways of delivering affordable homes to their communities.

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